Can Goats Eat Asparagus?

can goats eat asparagus?

A lot of things safe for goats to eat grow naturally in their surroundings, asparagus is just one of them. The vegetable is also a great source of nutrients for goats too. So don’t be worried about them causally grazing on asparagus on your patch of land.

In fact asparagus is so sought-after as a vegetable you perhaps might want to skip feeding it to your goats and save some for yourself!

Health Benefits of Asparagus for Goats

According to, asparagus is great for numerous reasons:

Vitamins – Asparagus is a good source of vitamins A, C, E, K and B6 and other antioxidants. This helps goats stay healthy and beat off bacterial infections.

Minerals – Folate, iron and copper are crucial nutrients for bone health, helping your goats stay strong and nimble.

Fiber – Containing both soluble and insoluble forms your goats’ digestive system should be in top notch (just make sure it doesn’t add too much to your workload)

Asparagine – This useful amino acid keeps urinary tracts in good shape, meaning your goats are less prone to nasty infections and are better able to regulate their metabolism

Breeding – One purported effect of asparagus, namely due to its B6 and folate quantities, is it use as an aphrodisiac. Particularly beneficial if you’re looking to breed your goats.

Basically asparagus is as good in goats just as it is in humans. Except the unwanted effect of making your pee smell a bit funny. But goats even love it raw!

One thing to be careful about though; if you don’t regulate your goats asparagus intake and let them feast uncontrollably on your patch, the fronds that do grow back will keep doing so weakly.

How to Feed Asparagus to Goats

Goats will willingly take asparagus from humans if offered it. Or graze on it if they find it growing wild.

If you have some picky goats however, don’t be surprised if they only eat certain parts of it and leave the rest. Goats are notorious for eating the leafy parts of asparagus that grow off its stalks. And not being so keen on the bits humans like!

If you cook your asparagus (stir-fry etc) and consider as offering it to your goats as leftovers that’s fine too.

Other Vegetables Good for Goats

Of course asparagus isn’t the only vegetable enjoyable for goats. There are plenty of others they enjoy feasting on too. Both wild-growing or store bought.


Although harder to get at than wild-growing asparagus, goats enjoy eating carrots too. The amount of beta-carotene in this root growing vegetable is great for their eyesight too. Helping their vision stay sharp.

Be careful your fingers aren’t mistaken for carrots when feeding.


Spinach, similarly to asparagus, is another common yard-grown vegetable that goats can get a lot of pleasure from. With it’s high levels of folate, it’s another effective anti-oxidant too.


Goats like all kinds of lettuce. Even more when combined with other foods too – just like humans in a salad. Its high levels of calcium are important for teeth and bones.


A bright colored pumpkin is attractive to the eyes of goats just as much as it is to humans. And that’s not only on Halloween!

Pumpkins can be used as natural dewormers in goats and also have lots of protein to aid a growing goat too. They can be cut up and fed to them in slices or combined with other feed for an extra kick.


One of the most popular vegetables of the cruciferous family, broccoli is great for animals’ immune systems in general. Goats will eat it raw, boiled or steamed. They don’t seem to care!


Just like pumpkin, a nice bright squash is considered a delicacy in the goat world. Even more so if mashed or chopped up into chunks.

High in manganese and a whole bunch of vitamins and minerals, squash is another vegetable that’s good for your goats’ bones and teeth.


Hopefully you’ll have learned from this article that goats can of course eat asparagus. Although it’s important to give them as a balanced a diet as possible.

The vitamins, minerals and antioxidants present in asparagus however can be great for maintaining the health of your goat. Boosting their immune system, maintaining their bone density and even encouraging them to breed.


Image credits – Images by Pezibear from Pixabay

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